Neck tattoos, an amazing call about trolling Craigslist for older married women, bad blog posts, weird dreams, the RETURN of dating trends and some bad ass Dutch insect killing.
Six Flags Over Janice from Accounting
Taxes, Chinese orgies and a bee.
I Bought A Shower Curtain
An amazing sleep...
We are Hector
Justin is loopy and weird, he decides to take calls and it gets even weirder.
You people are crazy
Justin recounts a his old method of hyping himself up before a live show before his new live show on Thursday.
12 Angry Jurbs
Justin recounts Black Panther Night and reads some of the Dating Trend submissions.
Fear and Self Loathing on Valentine's Day
The upcoming live show, a horrifying memory and some Valentine's Day advice. Also, a repeated plea to Golden Corral.
More dating trends and breaking down the break down of Quentin Tarantino.
A Woman Named Carrie
Remembering Janet Jackson's Super Boob. Do nerds smell? A really stupid article about a porn ban in Virginia.
We explore Zombieing and the thirstiest man in Missouri. Also, a lion. And a penis sings.
50 Ways to Microcheat on Your Lover
Is microcheating a thing? The Hawaii missile false alarm. And Aziz Ansari...
Take The Last Train to Tokyo
Justin is jet lagged as shit but back to work. Age shaming at the karaoke! Smoking in bars! Cancer! Train terror and MORE!
Japan Q and A in bed
Join my wife and I in bed as we answer all the questions who always had but were afraid to ask about Japan! Disney! Love hotels! Gambling addictions! Pro Wrestling! And MORE!
There She Is! Let's Shame Miss America!
Justin discusses the point of the days between Christmas and New Years, being nervous about Japan, a crazy jail story and some Miss America gossip.
Gettin' Piggy Wit' It
The spirit of Christmas, a suspicious story of Pig Pulling, one last Christmas song breakdown and an awful mother.
6 for $3 Racism
Wild Christmas parties, racist Christmas songs and more
"One Whiff and You're Stiff"
Are people nicer during December? Viagra smog. #Womanspreading. Drinking at work parties.
Do you want to smoke weed at a Buffalo Wild Wings? Angela Lansbury fucks up. The Washington Post gets petty in the best way.
Captain Morgan Cyber Monday 2017 Promo
Get the all new <> Pin Set now!
Roachin' Red-Handed
Thanksgiving time! Also, the 2nd anniversary of freedom! Some hot tips on how to Roach!