People stow away on airplanes in the wheel well?!?!
Deep In It
Gambling, boobs and another passenger left on an airplane.
That's A Big Bird
Thank you.
Death to the Olds
San Francisco bans nicotine vaping. Justin reflects on the new platforms built to replace old platforms becoming the old platforms they were made to replace.
Truth & Reconciliation
Louis C.K. got a standing ovation last weekend, what does that mean?
Alone, In The Dark
A horrifying travel story.
A new Twins remake? Did Carrie Underwood steal a random YouTube song? Emails and Hi, Thoughts.
A Far Too Serious Deep Dive Into Taylor Swift's New Song
Honestly, why did I get a degree in journalism?
Stomach Pumped
Justin wonders about high school urban legends, goes over Disney crimes and defends high school vaping.
The Story of OJ
OJ is threatening to kill people on Twitter.
Ten Dollars
Old people going back to school on the cheap, cancer in your Cheerios, Hi Thoughts and MORE!
Ever failed a drug test?
Spooky Nights
Radiohead held up for ransom and an epic Jade Egg story.
Jade Egg
Justin talks about Gwyneth Paltrow, fake fake meat and more awfully named playground games.
The Cost of Conquest
Justin conquers Siracusa but at a terrible cost.
Five Euro
The misadventures of my wife's sinuses and defrauding the Italian healthcare system
The USA Pizza
Food thoughts from Italy including the most disgusting pizza I have ever seen listed on a menu and why it is our own damn fault.
The Magic Towel
JuRY is back! Tales from Italy! Pogo stick rentals! An orgy!
Young Family Finale
That's it for Erik and Carolyn. Now what? Don't pull marketing stunts on Wikipedia and the most important email of the JuRY Daily Takeover.
Not All Rainbows
Carolyn is overwhelmed. Robots in relationships and Erik finally figures out a story he and Justin disagree on.