The first edition of Guess My Race! An awful local news clip! Your emails and a further investigation into Reddit porn.
You're Not A Jedi Yet
Justin has a revelation reading the front page of Reddit, the Popcorn Oscar, your emails and Hi, Thoughts!
Amish Uber
Oh this Amish Uber guy... and your emails.
A LIGHT Seizure
Justin had a rough flight from GenCon! Some thoughts on Alex Jones being banned from things! Your emails! A HERO RISES IN SCOTLAND!
White Nikes
Some production troubles bum Justin out as he leaves for GenCon, Lil Uzi Vert picks a fight with a cult and YOUR EMAILS!
A Lost Conspiracy Theory
The top 100 TV episodes of the century, emails, #HiThoughts
Sandwich Lubricant
Ranking the Queer Eye cast from Least Fraudulent to Most Fraudulent.
Mayo Nays
Justin gets all worked up about Mayo Ice Cream and MORE!
Inside Magic (w/ Matt Donnelly of the Ice Cream Social podcast)
Getting inside the world of magic from someone who just became a magician like two years ago, the hilarious Matt Donnelly of the Ice Cream Social and Penn's Sunday School podcasts.
Dinosaur Ghosts
United CEO refuses to sit in coach, a massive weapons test in Russian blanks out the sky, your emails AND Hi, Thoughts!
Garlic Cocaine (w/ Brian Brushwood)
Brian Brushwood helps us talk about the Dan Harmon culture war attempted murder AND YOUR EMAILS!
Show Me Them Guns
James Gunn gets fired and Justin gets depressed about it. Are you racist if you still like Papa John's garlic dipping sauce.
If it helps, I'm white
A tribute to Virgil Flynn III.
The devolution of Papa John.…ns-toxic-culture/
Tongue on Tongue
Lena Dunham kisses animals on the mouth and if you don't you're suspect, breh...
Mob Daily
Stream like no one is watching, flying into New York and creepy lyrics...
Free Temporary Tattoo
The debut of the Poop Buffet... a movie recommendation and YOUR EMAILS!
So goes the nation...
We talk the Stormy Daniels arrest, "dating trends" making their way into the work place and make a final ruling.
Low Income
Life as a Low Income individual in the Bay Area. Plus, "Hi, Thoughts!"
Top 10 Abandoned Cities
Cities to GTFO of... an Incredible 2 boner story and YOUR emails!
One Foot in the Grave
A recap of broken dreams, pro wrestling and an email about the most difficult joke ever told.