A special Mother's Day edition of the podcast featuring an interview with Gloria Young, my mom. Dropping out of college to party, coke use and surviving Ted Bundy are all discussed. Also, why I am a ticking alcoholism time bomb.
My Mom Liked My Boner Album
Justin reveals what his mother thought of his comedy album which is jam packed with boner humor and many embarrassing revelations. The Dark Wizard Dan Dirks is praised. Justin admits he was wrong about Netflix releasing all of their original series at once.
I Knew You Were Trouble
Night Attack 2: Enjoy the Garden is a huge success. Justin and Ashley talk about that and the Boston Marathon bombing coverage. Also, a Taylor Swift boodle cover.
Apologies for the wonky recording... it was kind of on the fly.
Even If Nazis Had My Family
A discussion about sympathy of the Steubenville rape aftermath turns into a conversation about sports and society. Also, a brief primer on Stay Away movies in your upcoming Summer Movie Fantasy League drafts.
Check The Nuts! - A Papal Discussion
Justin is joined by Father Robert Ballecer (aka @PadreSJ) to go over all things pope. How the fuck do you become pope? Do you really talk directly to God? Are you infallible? How is this new dude going to curtail that whole child molestation thing? What about all that kidnapping stuff I read about? What's the most fucked up shit a pope has ever done?
All the dumb questions you've been afraid to ask a very patient representative of the Catholic church is laid out here in this informative podcast.
Apologize to Ben Affleck
An agressive note on the Oscars.
Will Anyone Stand Up to Jonathan Coulton?
Justin sticks up for Glee ripping off Jonathan Coulton. He discusse appropriate things to yell expletives at and breaks down the JJ Abrams / Star Wars announcement.
A Good Day to Manti
Justin got full Te'o. An uninterrupted rant about the greatest sports hoax in history and the best story... ever.
Lonliest Man on the Internet
Justin needs to give away $3000 and has a crazy scheme to do it. Also, the least appreciated man on The Internet. And some annoying people at the farmers market annoy with selective memory.
Delete Yo'self
A new era begins with a new recording space and a new partner in crime Ashley Paramore who joins Justin to christen the couch. With an interview. And an anal sex joke. Justin trots out a new character for the approval of the audience. Also, rants unleashed about the NHL lockout and the Debt ceiling.
This Is 40 Pounds of Depression
Justin is joined yet again by Brett Rounsaville as we talk movies. The Hobbit takes an unexpected journey to awesomeville. This is 40 is reviewed by Brett's fiance Katy who is most disturbed by a future of dishonest poop trips. Django unchains a movie that Justin gushes all over.
Justin Robert Young Adult
Justin talks about a movie he saw on Netflix the night before (Young Adult) and gives advice to the NRA as a sympathetic non-gun owner. Also! Walking Dead show runner issues are dissected.
Lurking in the Mountains
Justin is joined by Brett Rounsaville as they discuss horrifying gun violence, mountain lions and a creepy mountain dweller with an unfortunate name who is keeping an eye on your student debt.
Baby It's Cold Outside
Thieves in the night steal thousands from Justin just in time for the holidays! Also, is the Christmas classic "Baby It's Cold Outside" a heartwarming chestnut or rape anthem? JuRY breaks it down line by line.